29.00 €
Cinquième volume de notre collection de monographies WASTED TALENT consacré à l’artiste Zeky.
Format : 16 x 23 cm (à l’italienne) / 160 pages couleurs / Bilingue français, anglais / Reliure cartonnée [2006]
Zeky est né en 1975. Il vit à Montreuil. Il dessine depuis toujours, a fait un passage à l’école des gobelins. Il a commencé le graffiti fin des années 80. Il a intégré les OC (Outlaw crew) début des années 90. Il fait depuis partie du collectif MCZ (Montreuil City Zulu) ainsi que des VBA (Vaughn Bodé Addict) fondé par Orus, depuis leur création fin des années 90. Durant plus de 20 ans d’activités graffiti diurnes et nocturnes, il a acquit une maîtrise technique indéniable, mais surtout il a imposé un style spontané et riche, s’imposant de retoucher le moins possible ses pièces. Son évolution est une remise en question permanente. Inspireé de ses aînés New-Yorkais, son style varie sans cesse au grès de ses inspirations. A ses débuts doué pour les personnages, il a su très vite s’imposer pour ses lettrages indissociables de ses tags. Ainsi, il évolue constamment dans les différentes manières de pratiquer le graffiti : les tags, les throw-up, les chromes et les brûlures.
Fifth volume of our collection WASTED TALENT, devoted to the artist Zeky.
16 x 23 cm / 160 pages / full color / hard cover / french & english [2006]
Zeky was born in 1975 and lives in Montreuil; Paris. He went to school at nearby Gobelins and has been an artist since the day he was born. He began to paint graffiti at the end of the 80s. At the beginning of the 90s, he joined the OC (Outlaw Crew). Since then, he’s been a member of the MCZ collective (Montreuil City Zulus) and the VBA (Vaughn Bodé Addicts) founded by Orus at the end of the 90s. During a career spanning some 18 years of diurnal and nocturnal activities, Zeky has acquired irrefutable technical prowess, but his rich, spontaneous style – he very rarely modifies or polishes his work – is what singles him out. Zeky’s obsession with probing the limits of his art is evident in his work and, inspired by his New York predecessors, his style varies constantly depending on his inspiration. At the onset of his career, Zeky was particularly gifted with characters, but as time went by, he became renowned for a distinctive lettering style that will be forever associated with his tags. Zeky the artist is also in constant evolution; and this is obvious when you look at the techniques he has conquered over the years: tags; throw-ups; chromes and burns, Zeky has mastered them all.
Poids | 0.615 kg |
Dimensions | 23.7 × 16.6 × 1.5 cm |